September 01, 2012

IRP/IFP Research Grant in Basic and Clinical Research for International Students


The Fondation internationale pour la recherche en paraplegie (IRP) and International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia (IFP) foundations have the exclusive aim to promote basic and clinical research related to spinal cord injury.

Research projects may address all aspects of CNS and spinal cord lesions, nerve regeneration, trophic support of lesioned neurons, and functional changes induced by lesions, preferentially in mammals.

Clinical research projects can be situated in the fields of diagnosis, acute lesion management including surgery, neurology, urology, rehabilitation, and other areas related to paraplegia.

Selection criteria is as follows:
  1. International reputation: The value and scope of a researcher’s work is measured by the number, quality and relevance of applicant scientific contributions (articles published in specialized journals or presentations at scientific congresses).
  2. Clinical interest: Basic research should not be disconnected from reality. The proposed projects must be relevant to the clinical situation caused by lesions of the spinal cord or the brain, and their outcomes must clearly contribute to a better understanding of paraplegia and lesions of the brain.
  3. Originality of the methodology: To be admissible, all projects submitted must include a clear description of the methods to be adopted (conservative approach or an innovative, creative concept).
  4. Overall evaluation: An assessment of how the project is presented, described and of the motivation behind it: the logic of the planned experiments and the likelihood of obtaining applicable results, a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying lesions of the brain and of the spinal cord, and thus of developing new therapeutic techniques.
The eligible groups being targeted by this programme are international applicants/students of any nationality who have the qualities described above. And studies can be undertaken at any approved institution in Switzerland.

Several scholarships, number not yet made specific, will be awarded. And the awards will cover the successful recipient for a period of 2 years.

Fields of study
The IRP Foundation Research Grants in Basic and Clinical Research can be situated in the fields of diagnosis, acute lesion management including surgery, neurology, urology, rehabilitation, and other areas related to paraplegia and with special emphasis on the Spinal Cord.

Scholarship value
Total Funds for one or two years will be allocated up to:
  • 75,000 Swiss Francs for one year.
  • 150,000 Swiss Francs for two years.
Method of Application
To submit a project, click on this link, complete all fields regarding personal data, then send the above form duly completed, together with applicant CV, applicant should a list published work over the last 5 years (no abstracts), and a list of the publications of those applying with applicant.

Applicant should send all documents in Word or pdf format.

For more information please send an email to:

The deadline date for receipt of all submissions is October 31, 2012. Please ensure to send in your own applications before this date.

1). Fellowship Opportunities. IRP Research Grant. Available here.

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