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Treatment of UTI in children
MCQ exam: clinical scenario
MCQ exam: answer
MCQ exam: explanation
Treatment of UTI in children
Since it is difficult on clinical grounds to distinguish cystitis from pyelonephritis, particularly in young children (those younger than two years), attempting to distinguish cystitis from pyelonephritis in the definition of UTI is unnecessary. The goal of treatment of urinary tract infections in infants older than one month and young children are:- Elimination of infection and prevention of urosepsis
- Relief of acute symptoms (eg, fever, dysuria, frequency)
- Prevention of recurrence and long-term complications including hypertension, renal scarring, and impaired renal growth and function
Usual indications for hospitalization and/or parenteral therapy include:
- Age <2 months
- Clinical urosepsis (eg, toxic appearance, hypotension, poor capillary refill)
- Immunocompromised patient
- Vomiting or inability to tolerate oral medication
- Lack of adequate outpatient follow-up (eg, no telephone, lives far from hospital)
- Failure to respond to outpatient therapy
MCQ exam: clinical scenario
A one year old boy is brought to his pediatrician by his mother who has noted colicky abdominal pain and fever. On examination his scrotal skin is erythematous and warm and he has a urethral discharge. Investigation reveals a leukocytosis and pyuria. Sedimentation of the urine revealed E. coli which is successfully treated with antibiotics by his pediatrician.When next seen at the clinic the next week he is symptom-free.
The most appropriate next step would be:
a) complete urologic investigation
b) no further treatment or investigation is necessary
c) radionuclide scintigraphy
d) inguinal-scrotal ultrasound
e) ceftriaxone and doxycycline
MCQ exam: answer
The correct answer is A.A complete urologic investigation is the next step.
MCQ exam: explanation
Acute management of UTI in children consists of antimicrobial therapy to treat the acute infection and evaluation for possible predisposing factors (eg, urologic abnormalities). Long-term management centers on prevention of recurrence and complications.The occurrence of epididymitis in infants suggests the presence of urinary infection and the likelihood of an associated structural genitourinary abnormality, requiring complete urologic investigation. All pediatric cases of epididymitis require immediate consultation due to the high incidence of associated genitourinary anomalies.
1). UpToDate: Urinary tract infections in infants older than one month and young children: Acute management, imaging, and prognosis. Available online:
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